Proposing textiles that have never been seen before
代表取締役社長 辻 隆浩
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your continued support.
In this era of rapid change, the world of fashion and apparel is no exception.
In the past few years, there is a major shift in the map of the textile industry.
We are seizing this paradigm shift as an opportunity to accelerate the development of new markets, and at the same time, we are focusing on rebuilding our brand power by selecting highly
specialized young staff and utilizing our know-how and strengths.
In the past, we have been highly evaluated for our originality and ability to make proposals created from the technical capabilities of the "Bishu" production area.
As a fashion textile company with a clearer concept, we would like to make more value-added products that sent out from Daisho.
One of the ways we intend to do is to strengthen our business with brands that values manufacturing, such as collection brands.
In addition to responding accurately to orders, we will contribute to our customers by proposing textiles those include quality, design, price zone, and aftercare.
In the near future, we would like to further improve our internal system with an eye to overseas expansion.
We look forward to your continued patronage of Daisho Fashion Textile.
Takahiro Tsuji
President and Representative Director